'Rise of the Retrobots'
'Rise of the Retrobots'
Greetings Fellow Electrobotic Freakazoids...
As owner of TAO X Productions, one aspect of my work is to connect with excellent Artists interested in similar genres and mediums as those generated in my Nightmare Sound Laboratories, as well as other new, innovative, or just plain high caliber creativity.
Outside of composing for commercial work and other projects (when in survival mode), I feel it is my duty to keep my own music alive and to share and collaborate and bring new and interesting projects and compilations into the world. For better or worse, I also tend to have a pension for making things slightly more complicated and full blown, and spend a good deal of energy and time making sure things are clear, legally clean, and sound overall.
Around 2003 I embarked upon bringing together the first TAO X Records compilation project,
As owner of TAO X Productions, one aspect of my work is to connect with excellent Artists interested in similar genres and mediums as those generated in my Nightmare Sound Laboratories, as well as other new, innovative, or just plain high caliber creativity.
Outside of composing for commercial work and other projects (when in survival mode), I feel it is my duty to keep my own music alive and to share and collaborate and bring new and interesting projects and compilations into the world. For better or worse, I also tend to have a pension for making things slightly more complicated and full blown, and spend a good deal of energy and time making sure things are clear, legally clean, and sound overall.
Around 2003 I embarked upon bringing together the first TAO X Records compilation project,
Brotherhood of the Drone - Volume I 

The result of those "complicated" methods and diligence apparently paid off with an enormously cool compilation of 13 International Drone Artists whose tracks, mastered by Thomas Dimuzio @ Gench in San Francisco) all flowed beautifully together in a mentally audio-cinematic experience of amazing variations in the possibilities of Drone Music. Unfortunately, my schedule and budget made it impossible to give that project the additional care, support and distribution a work of that caliber actually deserved (albeit the small niche of style specific fans that Drone Music holds;) I send my highest regards and thanks to all the contributors to the Brotherhood of the Drone Compilation. Since that project, I've put some thought on that problem and I intend to correct that disparity for the future of TAO X Records projects, and even possibly return to do Volume II of the Drone Compilation, at which time I will probably create a special offer putting Volume I & II together, so the original CD can get it's due presentation to the World. For the time being however, I am concentrating on the "Rise of the Retrobots" Compilation (and of course, 6 other projects I am trying to wrap up simultaneously;) It is my deep love for all things Monster and Robot, make this a project that is especially close to my heart.
This compilation is even more ambitious, as I am attempting to bring Artists, Animators, Videographers, and Musicians into the tent together to stew this into an eclectic, electric, fantastic audio-visual contraption of sheer retro-future magnificence with a general coolness factor of 10x;) To this end, I am being temporarily flexible about submission deadlines and structure, because a part of what I want to achieve is to create some cross-pollinated creative collaborations, mixes, etc. to make this a unique project in terms of a good percentage of special custom tracks being created exclusively for this comp, but also because of the effort to bring it to another level with video, art and new media to whatever extent and creative design the contributors can bring to the table. I want this project to have a unique and technologically forward scope while presenting an intriguing and aesthetically appealing retro-future vibe to it.
To achieve the desired level and scope of this project, I am going to attempt to alter the course and grand tradition of all Indie Labels (at least ones run by 8 brained producer's with more ideas than hands or time to do them all, who want to put out great works no matter what it takes and simply finance it themselves). Herein I will attempt to come up with some creative concepts to finance this project properly via private and corporate sponserships, from people or companies who would benefit by advertising their "Robotic" product, art, toy, service or or biz, or who just love robots! I am also contemplating the creation of a line of merchandise including T-Shirts and possibly some other goodies as well. A selection of BAD ASS Robot T-Shirts ranging from the cute to the menacing, would probably have a broad appeal and might help offset CD/DVD production and distribution costs. This combined with special offers and pre-orders might get us to a better place to be able to produce AND promote a project worthy of it's weight in circuits and bolts;)
One thing for sure, your support and interest, whether as a creative co-conspirator or a music/art loving fan is essential and greatly appreciated!
So spread the word and please keep following the progress here. I will be adding updates, T-Shirt designs, Contests and more, some of which may be exclusive to ROTR contributors, my followers on this blog, or friends at the
T. Reed - TAO X Productions/Nightmare Sound
This compilation is even more ambitious, as I am attempting to bring Artists, Animators, Videographers, and Musicians into the tent together to stew this into an eclectic, electric, fantastic audio-visual contraption of sheer retro-future magnificence with a general coolness factor of 10x;) To this end, I am being temporarily flexible about submission deadlines and structure, because a part of what I want to achieve is to create some cross-pollinated creative collaborations, mixes, etc. to make this a unique project in terms of a good percentage of special custom tracks being created exclusively for this comp, but also because of the effort to bring it to another level with video, art and new media to whatever extent and creative design the contributors can bring to the table. I want this project to have a unique and technologically forward scope while presenting an intriguing and aesthetically appealing retro-future vibe to it.
To achieve the desired level and scope of this project, I am going to attempt to alter the course and grand tradition of all Indie Labels (at least ones run by 8 brained producer's with more ideas than hands or time to do them all, who want to put out great works no matter what it takes and simply finance it themselves). Herein I will attempt to come up with some creative concepts to finance this project properly via private and corporate sponserships, from people or companies who would benefit by advertising their "Robotic" product, art, toy, service or or biz, or who just love robots! I am also contemplating the creation of a line of merchandise including T-Shirts and possibly some other goodies as well. A selection of BAD ASS Robot T-Shirts ranging from the cute to the menacing, would probably have a broad appeal and might help offset CD/DVD production and distribution costs. This combined with special offers and pre-orders might get us to a better place to be able to produce AND promote a project worthy of it's weight in circuits and bolts;)
One thing for sure, your support and interest, whether as a creative co-conspirator or a music/art loving fan is essential and greatly appreciated!
So spread the word and please keep following the progress here. I will be adding updates, T-Shirt designs, Contests and more, some of which may be exclusive to ROTR contributors, my followers on this blog, or friends at the
Rise of the Retrobots Official MySpace page.
In fact I'm feeling another Blog coming on...Yes, Yes...T-Shirts, Contests, them!...

T. Reed - TAO X Productions/Nightmare Sound
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Welcome to Nightmare Sound Lab!
If you can be cool,relevant,respectful and say something interesting, I'd love to hear from ya.
Happy Nightmares